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Logo design

The Savas logomark is bold, simple, and modern. Using visual symmetry and truss-like diagonal lines, it suggests a sense of trustworthy balance to empower movement forward.

Color palette

Primary brand colors are serene and trustworthy. An eggshell color pairs well with darker natural hues creating a calming visual harmony.


Primary brand colors are serene and trustworthy. An eggshell color pairs well with darker natural hues creating a calming visual harmony. Accent colors are bright, highly saturated, and unexpected in the financial world. This adds a dash of modernity to the brand's color palette.


Inspired by the intricate effect of cables in contemporary suspension bridges, we’ll create an iconographic language to represent the balance of honest strength and enterprising modernity of the Savas platform.

Visual Identity

An assortment of custom, simple, clean, and modern geometrical shapes of the brand’s primary colors enhance the brand persona. In addition, each graphical element has a forward movement to convey the feeling of progression.